Friday, August 31, 2007

Putting "Victory" ahead of Victory

Democrats have continued trying in the past month to pass resolutions to begin immediate troop withdrawal. They do this despite knowing that in September the general currently in charge of U.S. forces in Iraq is due to give a report as to the status of the current troop surge. Why can't they afford to wait?

Because the current troop surge shows promising signs of working, thats why. If Patreus' report is good, it is inevitably bad for Democrats. They have set themselves up in such a way that a victory in Iraq is a defeat for the Democratic party.

It didn't have to be this way. At first many democrats, including John Kerry, John Edwards, Hillary Clinton, and many more supported the war. After all, they all voted for it. For the constitutionally ignorant out there; you do know that the president can not send troops to war without congressional approval, don't you.

Anyway, the dems had a golden opportunity over the last four years to prove their seriousness about terrorism. They could have critiqued the many mistakes made in the war along with the lack of appropriate leadership. Goodness knows that these claims would have been valid. Instead, however, they allowed the peace-at-any-cost crowd to dictate the direction they would take. So, to do so, they disowned their votes and claim presidential deceit. Now they want to yank troops away from the very mission they authorized; thereby rendering the 3500 American deaths so far as pointless.

They had the same intelligence that the president had, much of it based on foreign and international sources. They made many statements recognizing the threat of Saddam (I'll post a link later).

Instead of choosing the role of constructive critics, they chose to be disloyal, dishonest, and unsupportive. A group that now must choose party "victory" over true victory.

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