Thursday, September 13, 2007

Jack Reed is a Jaaack-ass

Just watched the Dems reply to President Bush's speech. Reed is a moron. He states we are less secure. I wonder just what he is basing his assessment on? The many attacks on U.S. soil since 9-11-01? Oh, that's right, there have been no new attacks.

I guess he's back to the old, "just being there makes them hate us more" spill. Even a child could understand that if someone is willing to sacrifice themselves and their families just to steer a 1985 Toyota pickup loaded down with explosives and rusty nails-turned-shrapnel towards an army checkpoint; they probably didn't possess much capacity for love and cultural understanding to begin with.

He also made the point that by surrender... uh, I mean, withdrawing our troops we could then concentrate on fighting against al Qaeda. So, I guess the hundreds of al Qaeda we are killing in Iraq every month doesn't count since we aren't "concentrating" on them.

The dems are so indebted to their kook base that they can't afford to appear for even a millisecond as if they might root for an American victory.

Of course he also paid the usual lip service to our troops and our fallen men and women; I just wish someone would ask him what he would do with those 3700 US deaths that he and his friends love bringing up.

So, how about it Jack Reed, will you validate those three-thousand seven hundred American sacrifices, or will you waste them????????????????????????

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